Short, helpful advice on the most asked-about topics

How to Skip Alcohol this Holiday Season

How to Skip Alcohol this Holiday Season

Holiday season is upon us again! What a relief to have this time for rest, relaxation, and joyful connections with friends and family… or not. It would be great if the holidays were like a Coca-Cola commercial, but the reality for many of us is that the holidays can be a time of extra stress, pressure, and expectations. There are gifts to buy, financial worries, and families that don’t always get along.

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Understanding Gender Identity, Sex and Gender Expression

Understanding Gender Identity, Sex and Gender Expression

For decades, there has been a very clear distinction between male and female genders; however, our understanding of sex and gender today has changed and some of us may find it difficult to navigate. We want to be sensitive and respectful but it can be confusing. For example, there are many people that identify as trans. What does that mean?

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Capability vs. Capacity

Capability vs. Capacity

Have you ever heard the phrase, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”? Have you ever considered how this statement is relevant to not just your actions, but to your mental health and well-being as well?

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National Addictions Awareness Week

National Addictions Awareness Week

The third week of November is Addiction Awareness Week in Canada, led by the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA). Awareness is key in identifying issues surrounding awareness such as stigma, indifference, misunderstandings, and community outreach.

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Growing a Happy Healthy Relationship

Growing a Happy Healthy Relationship

When couples decide on counselling therapy their relationship is often in a difficult state. Some of the couples that come for therapy do so when there has been so much unresolved conflict that it’s difficult to figure out where it all began.

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Sleep Etiquette

Sleep Etiquette

Do you remember rolling your eyes at your parents when they reminded you of your bedtime? It’s too early. I’m not tired. I don’t need that much sleep! Sound familiar? Sleep, something our bodies should do naturally often eludes us and is a common barrier to health and mental well-being for many. Inadequate sleep and poor quality of sleep impact every aspect of our health....

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Expectations in Relationships

Expectations in Relationships

There’s a turn of phrase folks sometimes use...well, what do you expect? The tone typically implies that, in some way, our expectations are not aligned with those of the person who’s asking. This can make us feel embarrassed or wrong as we realize, whatever our hope or need was, it clearly wasn’t shared by our relationship partner. If our sense of how things “should be” isn’t shared, understood, or empathized with…(big fear ahead)…are our expectations reasonable?

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Minority Mental Health Awareness

Minority Mental Health Awareness

What makes Mental Health important? Honestly speaking, mental health affects every aspect of our being – from our private experiences to how we see and interact with the world in which we exist. Our ability to solve problems, cope, navigate relationships, and even our sense of productivity or happiness is intimately connected to our mental health and well-being.

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