Short, helpful advice on the most asked-about topics

Minority Mental Health Awareness

Minority Mental Health Awareness

What makes Mental Health important? Honestly speaking, mental health affects every aspect of our being – from our private experiences to how we see and interact with the world in which we exist. Our ability to solve problems, cope, navigate relationships, and even our sense of productivity or happiness is intimately connected to our mental health and well-being.

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Mindfulness is for Everyone

Mindfulness is for Everyone

This is for those of you that have found a world of frustration, disappointment and self-criticism because you “can’t meditate”, have a “problem” concentrating, or find settling your body and clearing your mind a challenge. If this is familiar to you, you’ll likely benefit from a mindfulness practice: the everyday, anytime, anywhere meditation that does not require you to sit still, focus, or clear your mind.

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Men's Health Month

Men's Health Month

June is recognized as Men’s Health Month, where the spotlight is focused on ways men can improve both their physical and mental health. It is important to recognize this, since many men feel as though their health, particularly their mental health, doesn’t need to be talked about.

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Accessing your EFAP

Accessing your EFAP

Walmsley Employee Family Assistance Program was designed to help individuals and their families get the support they need for whatever issue they are experiencing. Thousands of people have accessed our services when they are feeling distraught, overwhelmed, or just need to talk out their problems with someone who can listen and offer help.

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Impacted by Ukraine? You are not alone.

Impacted by Ukraine? You are not alone.

If you find the war in Ukraine disturbing and painful, you are not alone. As compassionate, caring individuals, we hurt when you see others hurt. Empathy is critical to our emotional health and to the health of our relationships and communities. It prompts us to help one another, and it supports our collective survival. Empathy and compassion are necessary qualities, yet if we are constantly bombarded with images of suffering, it can impact us on a deep, emotional level.

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Nature: The Holistic Healer

Nature: The Holistic Healer

Many of us know the benefits of being outdoors: the runners, hikers, kayakers, cyclists, and so many more. Nature can bring us alive and soothe us. Even most music that helps us fall asleep or soundtracks in our yoga classes will have sounds of nature. Our whole being is brought to a place of wellness through the healing of nature. Holistic wellness is something many of us are striving for.

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Diverse Celebrations

Diverse Celebrations

Canada is a multicultural and multi- faith society, and Canadians as a whole follow a wide range of religious and spiritual beliefs. Respect for religious diversity is an essential element of any peaceful society, and religious freedom is a universal human right that all states have a responsibility to uphold (International Human Rights Commission).

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Self-Care includes Community Care - Part 2

Self-Care includes Community Care - Part 2

Our previous blog covered the idea that self-care is more than just taking care of our bodies, pampering ourselves, and doing extracurricular activities. Self-care is an awareness of what makes us happy and keeps our cup full; in other words, knowing when to step back from the outside world and when to engage.

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Self Care includes Community Care - Part 1

Self Care includes Community Care - Part 1

Self-care has become something that is a priority in our individualistic society. We have become accustomed to taking care of ourselves, or there is “something wrong with us”. Being in control of our emotions is paramount and is often accomplished through self-care. True and false.

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