Anti-Bullying Day (Dec 17th)

The topic of Bullying seems like an odd topic the week before Christmas but hear me out. There are two reasons I want to talk about it now.  One because the Holiday season gives us a unique opportunity to talk about bullying with our children and second, historically one of best resources we have in Canada was developed around this time.

 As you may be aware there are many days nationally and internationally that are set aside as bullying prevention days. One of these days is celebrated on December 17 and is the New Brunswick Official Anti-bullying day. On this day in in 2009 two youths Katie Thompson and Rob Benn-Frenette, in response to their own experiences with bullying, started the first youth created national antibullying website. The website has grown to be one of Canada’s most responsive and valuable resources.

BullyingCanada is the only national anti-bullying charity solely dedicated to creating a brighter future for bullied youth. What began as a youth-created website to bringing together bullied kids and providing information on bullying—and how to stop!–is now a full 24/7 support service. On any day of the year, at any time, youth, parents, coaches, and teachers contact them by phone, text, online chat, and email for help on how to make bullying stop. The Support Team is comprised of hundreds of highly trained volunteers.

The second reason for wanting to talk about bullying at this time is because movies, including Christmas movies, provides an opportunity for you to talk about bullying with your children. Why? Many classic holiday movies are full of bullies, and in turn, ways that bullying was overcome.   Karolina Guillen complied a list of the following four examples.


ELF: Raised in the North Pole, Buddy the Elf, is unaware of his humanity. The other elves make fun of him, his size, and the fact that he’s unable to make toys like the other elves. They gossip about him being human and send him on a journey to meet his real father.

HOME ALONE: Kevin, the youngest of the McCallister family is constantly under appreciated and bullied, especially by his older brother Buzz.

THE GRINCH: As a baby, the Grinch was dropped off by accident in Whoville. He is bullied for looking so different, mainly by Augustus May Who. One day when he makes a gift for Martha May Whovier he also decides to shave his face because the other kids laughed at his beard. When he comes to school the next day with shaving cuts all over his face and the gift he made for Martha, the kids all laugh and torment him.

RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER: Rudolph decides to cover his glowing red nose in order to fit in with the other reindeer and in hopes to fly Santa’s sleigh. When he tries to impress a girl reindeer by flying, his cover comes off revealing his red nose and causing all the reindeer to laugh and make fun of him. They also don’t let him participate in any reindeer games.


ELF: On a journey to meet his real father and discover himself, Buddy the Elf discovers he has trouble fitting in Manhattan, maybe even more than in the North Pole. He later becomes the hero of both worlds when Buddy restores everyone’s holiday spirit and belief in Santa Claus. Buddy the Elf gets Santa’s sleigh to fly on Christmas and helps his father become a better person, landing him back on the nice list.

HOME ALONE: Kevin believes that his wish for his family to disappear came true when he is accidentally left behind from the family’s holiday trip to Paris. He is so thrilled and claims to be the man of the house. Not only is he able to take care of himself, but he is also able to do whatever he wants! When his house is threatened by robbers, he decides to go into war mode. In the end, he is able to fight off the robbers and be reunited with his family just in time for Christmas.

THE GRINCH: Although the beginning of the movie is rather sad, this movie is pretty funny and has a happy ending after all. The Grinch, hardened by his bullying, decides to steal all of Christmas in order to get back at the community for tormenting and banishing him. When Cindy Lou Who opens her heart to the Grinch, the Grinch’s heart grows three times its size and he ultimately saves Whoville and Christmas.

RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER: Rudolph becomes the hero of the reindeer back home when he saves his parents and the only reindeer that did not tease him, Clarice. Rudolph also saves Christmas when a blizzard comes in threatening Santa’s trip to deliver gifts. Rudolph’s nose lights the way through the night.

Additional movies and series that are currently streaming on Netflix include Bully, The Fat Boy chronicles, Cyber Bully, 13 Reasons, A girl like here, Hercules, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Any Bully, Chicken Little, and Billy Elliot.  Not all these movies are for every age audience.  Watch them alone first to identify possible talking points.

Creating opportunities to talk about bullying and knowing where to access support and services are two of the most valuable tools to dealing with the impacts of the pervasive and painful situation of bullying in our society.


Ellen Winofsky, RSW

Walmsley EFAP