
As we approach the end of 2024, we at Walmsley EFAP invite you to reflect on the last year; your achievements, relationships you’ve made, and lessons you’ve learned. We’re looking back too. 2024 has been a busy year for us. We celebrated our 30th anniversary, helped connect thousands of people to counsellors across the country, and put out a new version of our newsletter that’s more readable and engaging.

Looking back on some of the blogs that we have published, it is clear that there have been themes that have resonated with a large amount of people: how to slow down and be grateful (World Mental Health Day: Be Like the Bonsai), how best to manage stress and anxiety (Automatic Negative Thoughts), and how best to manage change in the workplace (Workplace Change). These blogs are published as a way to get this important information in front of as many people as we can, and we are always wanting to hear feedback.  Additionally, if there is a topic you want to read about, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always looking for new topics that are important to you.

Reflection isn’t just about looking back; it can also be a powerful springboard for planning the year ahead. What lessons have you taken from this year that you can carry forward into the next? How have you grown, and where do you still see room for growth? These questions can be challenging, but writing them down or discussing them with a trusted family member or your counsellor can make the process feel more manageable and lead to better outcomes.

We at Walmsley EFAP want to wish you all a peaceful holiday season. Remember to find moments of calm and relaxation amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, since those moments are the ones that matter the most. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025. 

The Walmsley EFAP Team.