Constant hustling, producing, and being ambitious in the pursuit of success has both advantages and disadvantages. A strong focus on achieving success might mean that individuals are able to meet or exceed expectations, achieve goals, and move up more quickly. This is not only internally validating as individuals feel good about themselves, but it is also externally validating as they receive recognition, and potentially rewards from others, and thus the cycle continues.
This cycle of hustle and reward is problematic because of what the hustle often includes. Although ”the hustle” varies from person to person, it often looks like long work hours, sacrificing one’s personal life, and a lack of self-care and rest. As a result, one’s physical and mental health may suffer, which in turn may impede overall success. When you’re unable to give 100%, things may start to fall through the cracks. Small missed tasks at work can begin to add up, and repeatedly cancelling social engagements at the last minute may create rifts in friendships. This is why finding a balance that works for you is so important.
Slowing down amidst the hustle can be challenging. However, with certain changes in an individual’s approach it is possible to achieve. A great start would be to make a list of activities that make up your week: work, leisure, social, etc. Many of them are likely necessary, some of them may not be, What contributes to your recharging? What drains you? See if you can make small changes that focus on the recharge by boosting up those activities. This builds self-awareness and understanding, which is helpful when deciding what changes to make and how to make them. Furthermore, consider areas of life or situations where you feel uncomfortable, drained, stressed, or frustrated as these feelings might indicate that a boundary is necessary. Boundaries can sometimes be hard to set; however, setting them gets easier with practice and they are extremely important in protecting one’s overall well-being. Setting small boundaries can be a useful way to ease into it and begin building comfort with boundary setting.
Additionally, prioritizing self-care can recharge the mental, emotional, physical, and social battery, which will enable one to function at an optimal level and navigate the challenges of daily life with greater ease. Sleep, diet, movement, meditation, gratitude, reading, writing, decluttering are just a few options among many that can help with the recharging process. Finding balance can also mean showing up as the best version of oneself, with a full cup, and able to withstand more, which will in turn benefit a person’s work. Reminding oneself of this and being understanding while making this shift is key as it is not an easy change.
Kaitlin Chapple, MA, RCC
Walmsley EFAP