Wellness Workshops
Workshops are instrumental in positively affecting the workplace culture. Workshops can contribute to team oriented environments, cohesive work groups and overall increase the sense of community. Accessing the EFAP usage data, Walmsley designs workshops that address the specific issues identified in the employee population. In this way, the workshops are relevant to employees and the workplace.

Walmsley workshops are facilitated by a master’s level counsellor who has been instrumental in developing the workshop. Walmsley offers a large variety of prepared workshops and are constantly developing workshops as needed by workplaces requesting specific focuses.

If you would like to include a workshop or other wellness iniative in your organization plan, please contact Walmsley at info@walmsley.ca

walmsley Associates

Go to our Newsletter page to see our Wellness newsletters. These are produced monthly online and quarterly in hard copies.

Wellness Fairs
A Wellness Fair at the worksite is an opportunity to increase employee awareness of both physical and mental health. Walmsley will provide the coordination, set up and promotion of these fairs at the worksite using a variety of health and mental health service providers.

Wellness Goals
Ask us about company-wide initiatives to encourage employee wellness.

Health Risk Assessments
A health professional conducts individual health screening for risk factors related to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease. These assessments promote awareness of health-related issues, create the opportunity for education in related health topics, and facilitate illness prevention.